10 Years of War with Iraq "As I have repeatedly said when discussing United States policy in Iraq, when you find yourself going the wrong way down a one-way street, you need to look for the nearest off-ramp. The only solution to the mess in Iraq is to promptly bring our troops home. Our bad policy spans at least ten years and two presidents and has had severe costs in lives and economic consequences. Continuing down the same road will solve nothing and compound our already substantial problems."
Ron Paul je, kao član House Foreign Relations Committee Kongresa objavio izjavu u kojoj govori o svom neslaganju s vanjskom politikom USA koja je preskupa, u izgubljenim životima i svemu ostalom. Podsjeća ga na put u krivom pravcu u jednosmjernoj ulici gdje je jedini izlaz što brže skretanje. Ostanak neće rješiti ništa već će samo produbiti probleme.
Rat je počeo prije 10 godina, još za vrijeme Billa Clintona.